Christian Short Stories |
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​​About Christian Short Stories

Some of the stories on in this book are true, some are fictional, and some are a compilation of both. There may be a line, humorous saying, or idea you have heard someplace before, generally used today or quite common at some point in time, for which of course we do not take credit.

“Let those without sin cast the first stone”, as we read in the Bible. John 8:7

We expect to be stoned by the secular world, but when members of the body of Christ, especially in our community who we have a relationship with, don’t support us or uplift us, the body of Christ loses its witness, enabling the secular world to benefit. Where do we turn?

The Bible and prayer are the only sure and safe places to go! If through these stories we can encourage you to do just that, we will be glad. In writing these stories we also find help ourselves. Have the burdens of life ever been so heavy that you, or someone you love, become depressed, stressed beyond belief, self-esteem and sense of self-worth so defeated that, you, yourself, or others have pushed or been pushed to seek help?

It is at that point those genuine, filled with the Holy Spirit members of the body of Christ, though few in number, become such a tremendous blessing and encouragement to us, being in obedience to the Lord, and help to restore us, as the Lord commands. Christ demands members of the body of Christ, who have been born again, should take on the same importance as our own family members.

 Read John 12:14, Romans 12:5, 1st Peter 4:9, Galatians 6:2, Matthew 5:23-24. Yes, people turn to religion when times are tough, but only the Lord knows the heart. Only He knows if our asking for forgiveness and truly turning to Him is genuine.

It is through these stories that we pray we will encourage you this day to seek the Lord through His Word, the Holy Bible. May you come to realize that we do this for two reasons. One, to show our love for members of the body of Christ (those who have been born again). Two, to let those who do not know the Lord, know that He loves and longs for them to come to Him. Read John 3:16 in the Bible and get to know Him today.

And last, but just as important, they help all of us withstand the winds of adversity as we seek to glorify the Lord.  Please take time to read or listen to some of our stories today. We thank you for spending time with us. May the Lord richly bless you! We leave you with this:

“Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another, love as brothers and sisters, be tenderhearted, be courteous, for this is the command of Christ Jesus.” – 1 Peter 3:8.

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