Christian Short Stories |
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RAIN symbolizes the days and periods in our lives for which the RAINBOW reminds us the God of Creation is still God and Jesus is coming soon to REIGN.

The GENTLE RAIN – Flowers lift skyward as they catch precious treasures  from heaven, sweet drops of life giving moisture fall softly upon the petals. Vegetation springs forth in life sustaining energy; God’s gift to man proving anew the wonders of His creation as reflected on the faces of children giggling as they splash in the puddles along their way.
The HARD RAIN – For the moment outdoor activity comes to a halt, a temporary inconvenience, as the hard rain cleans the air and washes city streets and country roads alike, filling lakes, ponds, and wells, with an abundance of the liquid on which life is dependent.
The COLD DRIVEN RAIN – The cold rain turns to sleet as it stings the face, people cover heads and, pull tight their coat, and run for shelter, shelter which only moments earlier was in their path but certainly not in their vision but whose warmth and protection is now a sanctuary.
The DELUGE RAIN – It pounds the earth with relentless sheets of water cascading down upon the earth while winds blow, thunder roars and lightning flashes.  Man and beast alike hope to find safety, hearts pounding a little harder as the rivers and lakes spill over their banks, wrecking havoc on all in their path with a fierce and relentless force no mere mortal can hope to contain.

The TORNADIC RAIN – The warm rain turns to hail, the storm throws damaging projectiles upon the helpless and hapless as if in a relentless crusade to lay bare all that lies in its path twisting trees from their roots, homes from their foundations, and lives from the living.

RAIN symbolizes life’s blessings and trials.  Regardless of the type of RAIN, the only rain that matters is the REIGN OF JESUS CHRIST in their  hearts.  Like the Saints of old whatever the RAIN type those of true faith never take their eyes off God remaining steadfast in their faith through the good times and the bad.

It is our hope and prayer that these stories and other material on our site will bring you comfort and touch you heart in some special way as they bring you comfort, hope, laughter, happiness and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.